St. Andrew's Lutheran Church

Season of Unity

The summer in the Christian calendar is an extended period called “ordinary time.” The English seasonal title "ordinary time" translates the Latin term Tempus per annum (literally "time through the year.") These weeks are regular, normal, ordinary; they mark time as it passes for us and they offer us a time to discover God’s extraordinary work all around us. The liturgical color is “Green” signifying creation, new life, growth, and vitality. This summer St. Andrew’s has chosen to observe this time as a gift of rest in our chaotic world. We invite you into this time of reconnection and respite so you can leave refreshed to share God’s love. This season we are intentionally looking more inward as we cultivate a sense of divine calm. The patterns for this liturgy may be new. We will resume our more familiar patterns in the fall.
Come join us!
Choir and Sunday School are on summer hiatus until after Labor Day.
Sunday Worship 10:00 am
Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our church, please feel free to contact us. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 10 am - 1 pm.